The best way to learn miniature painting is with Roman Lappat

Some days ago
in my hometown, Augsburg I was able to teach again.
See dates for upcoming miniature painting workshops here!

This time my well known beginner seminar that gives insight into my way while painting. The class was in german language. Aimed at all skill levels and I was really happy to welcome students from Germany and Austria. With only five repeaters of the class it was a seminar packed with new people, which makes me a very happy teacher. It shows that there is still interest in seminars for students who are interested in growing on their own journey. Of course I do offer advanced topic classes and masterclasses, but in the end it comes down to this workshop to see new faces interested in telling stories with their figures and starting their journey to display painting.

"My start… When I subscribed to MSV VDO beginners workshop, I had nearly no expectations. I like the evenings of playing with good friends some games, I just got never caught up in their passion of painting the figuers with which we were playing (and also not completely alike in the games themselves, because sadly I’m some kind of a bad loser :D) I think, two or three years ago, my friend Olly participated in the beginners workshop with Roman the first time. I really admired the creative bases he build from now on and how he used different elements of nature (stones, sand, little pieces of wood…) to create them. As queen of self-critizism I never found the starting point for trying it myself. So, when Olly told me, he would like to repeat the workshop, I thougt: „Hey, I heard so many great things about that Roman-guy, perhaps that’s my opportunity to jump in and learn from the very beginning how to do it right. Why not?“

And I have to admit, I really made here the right decision! (Although I got a little bit nervous, when I realized, I was indeed the only person with absolute no experiences, because I didn’t want to hold the others back or something.) (But) I was part of a great group of very kind and encouraging people and I learned from Roman a lot about colours, contrasts, techniques of painting und base-building, but most important – thanks to his inspiring teaching – I learned to seperate conceptually the art of painting minis from the nessesity to use them for playing. I really love the idea of telling a story with them. And, because of Romans constandly repeating, that we’re on our own journey, I’m hopeful of overpowering my perfectionism (or at least I will try :D) and daring to start a (new) project.
So, thank you very much for giving an insight of your knowledge and skills and most of all for your inspiration and confidence J All the best"
