Learn miniature painting on the best basic workshop

Thanks to everyone who showed up for the workshop. It was a great weekend, with wonderful students, eager to learn the ways of happypainting and able to stand my blabla for thirtythree hours of class schedule. As a teacher my student's results made me really proud and we all were able to share good vibrations all around. Thank you for additional photos for this review too!

Here you can find actual news around future miniature painting workshops!

Well, this class was also special for me as Peter and Andreas (soon more information about our new monkey on board! Woot! Woot!) were introduced in teaching this Beginners Class. This process will be a long process for all of us and we will see where this will lead in the end. More about this in the future.

Friday night started with preparing, basing and the long and dark night full of theory. Some great bases already appeared out of nowwhere: