Best Workshop to learn the basics of miniature painting!

"I have just attended the workshop in Heidelberg and it was fantastic. It is quite exhausting (starts at 6 pm on Fridays after you already have worked the entire week until midnight, continues from Saturday 10am to midnight and then again Sunday from 10am until about 6-7pm) but you really learn so much. Roman and Peter are always helpful and provide corrections and constructive comments and are otherwise very good at explaining processes and techniques. I can recommend these workshops a 100%."- Dario

"Romans Worskshop sind einer der besten Ws die ich kenne. Pädagogisch sinnvoll aufgebaut, ein sympathischer Typ und man geht nach dem WE mit maximal geladenen Mal-Akkus nach Hause. Der initiale Preis erschreckt vlt etwas, aber wenn man sich andere Hobbygenres anschaut, was man da für einen 2 1/2 tätigen WS bezahlt ist das mehr als fair.Ich würde so gerne mal Roman im Mainzer/Frankfurter Raum sehen, aber Räumlichkeiten sind hier sehr schwierig zu bekommen." - Denny Crane / Magabotato review comments

Find actual news about new dates for Beginner Miniature Painting Workshops here!

First of all Roman wants to thank David and Peter for the great organisation work that made this all happen. Really smooth and wonderful in all aspects. Thank you both very much!

Second, Roman wants to thank Tobias and Evelin for their support in photos for this article. Roman was particular busy and did not do much photos. They wrote a really nice review in german language over on Magabotato and interviewed some of the students. Thanks a lot!

Third, thanks to all the people who want to learn from Roman's painting experience and teaching knowledge. Without you such a class would just not happen.

Fourth, thanks to everyone who was a repeater at this class. It is a big honor for Roman as teacher to see so many faces return to this class and your projects and growth as a painter speaks for itself.

And a most special thanks goes out to Peter once again for his great help in supporting the class with his knowledge and painting joy!