Best way to learn for new miniature painters: Roman Lappat's Beginner Workshop!

Moskitos, Fish, demonettes, white wolves and heat

First of all I want to thank Andy and Peter for organising this class in Erlangen, Germany.

Sometimes I think our blog readers just think: Ohh another painting class, cool! … but this time I want to lose some words about the organization of such a class. I am really thankful that Peter helps me with all the mails up front to find a good place to teach the class. Thanks to Andy this was a very unique place. A fisher’s clubhouse was the place were we have met up in the end. Thanks to Andy for for his great hospitality and thanks to Peter for picking up Raffa and me in Augsburg to take the three hour car ride.

Thanks to everybody involved in the class!

I was really happy to see a lot of new faces attending to the class and it was a big joy to see your projects grow. Thanks to the students who took the class for a second time. I hope you all enjoyed the weekend like I did.

While arriving on Friday has been a little bit filled with panic as the beamer at place was not working properly, I forgot mine for the just in case thing, but problems solved themselves by nightfall. Thanks again to our Beamer hero!

First of all let me say I don’t like fish at all – let me say I am kind of scared of fish since my childhood. So this place was like a horror cabinet for me. No it was not that bad, just kidding but this place definatly had a unique athmosphere. Friday night started with basing and a lot of theory like always. Meanwhile we have been attacked by swarms of killer moskitos so we had to close the doors and it really became a sauna for us, the sweating, moskito-fighting painters. Some were whining and some others took it like real man: they hunted with joy. Bloody Friday went by much too fast.

Thanks to everybody for helping cleaning the place! We have never been that fast! It was time to head home for all of us. Many thanks to my buddies, Raffa and Peter for their help during the weekend. Again a big thank you to Andy for making this weekend great in all aspects!

News around actual miniature painting workshops here!