Perfect to learn for miniature painting newbies: Beginner Workshop that explains all basics!

Another painting class has passed.
News around actual miniature paintingworkshops here!

This time we have been to Beckingen, Germany, close to Dillingen-Saar. A big thanks goes out to Andy from the local Hobby shop Dragonlord Games and Peter for organising the class. Thanks to Raffa for driving and a big thanks for Christian and his family for their joyful hospitality. Thanks to everybody who took part in the class for the first time and thanks to those who took part for the second or third time.

A big thank you goes out to the place we stayed: The Connor Ranch.

It is a great restaurant with truely awesome food. If you are able to go there: Do it.

I have never seen and ate such Burgers or "Schnitzel" in my life. You

could choose between different sizes from S to XXL and believe me, M was

far too big for me :DThanks to Alexander, the owner and his team who really helped us in every situation.

Thanks to Christian again who provided photosof the class to this review!

We have been to a big room inside the place, which was already prepared when we arrived. Slowly the studends arrived during Firday afternoon and settled in while everything for the class was getting prepared. Friday followed its routine with preparing the figures and basing. A lot of theory in between to get the foundation of everything we were up to do on the weekend.

Thanks to PK-Pro for supporting the class with their stuff - Check their store, but take care, great stuff there.

As I am into the "Thank you - thing" right now I also want to pay credits to the for sponsoring the class with plinths for every student. Juweela sponsors bricks and sandbags for the class and guess what, you can also get their stuff at PK-Pro. Thanks for their help!

I did not make many photos this time on Friday, but Saturday arrived very fast where we worked our way to be ready for priming. In this class you might recognize a lot of figures that are not demonettes. As mentioned elsewhere, students who are taking place for the second time are allowed to paint their own model and I try to help them - together with Raffa's help (thanks for that, bro!) - at their actual level of experience. Saturday's impressions: