Beginner Workshop are a great introduction into miniature painting

Hello jungle,

some might have thought I did forget about this class. No, I never forget.
News around actual miniature painting workshops here!

I was just overwhelmed by a report from a class participant who really said so much about the class that I was searching for words for my own review. Now I try.

First of all I want to thank everybody involved in the class, every student, every helping hand and every good soul connected to the class. We all made that weekend the weekend it was and I again have to say I feel really honoured to have so many of you traveling through Germany for taking part in the class. Many thanks. I was very happy to get to know so many new faces and to see some well known ones.

One special thing about that class was Kyle. Some of you might now him as M R Lee from the internet (M R Lee's Painting Emporium). He was definatly a guest of high honours as he rode a plane from Turkey to stay with us and enjoy the class. Kyle is truly nice guy and I was not worried anymore as we found out another class student speaks perfect english too as his dad is american. I call that a gift from Fortuna herself.

Yeah, it's mainly that what I can tell from the class. I really felt bad for some days now that I did not find the energies to write down from the class. Kyle just did that and it felt wrong to do the same like he did. So this is definatly a different review :D

I will add some more photos now to not feel so bad - again, a big thanks to everybody who took part in the class. It was my pleasure to see your happy painting mojo grow! Don't lose it and paint, paint, paint!