Roman Lappat's Beginner Miniature Painting Workshop - great to learn the basics!

Ai ai ai ... this review took me a while :)

Thanks for all your patience - I was just to straight busy the last week and I am still are. Too much going on right now and too much projects to finish until Games Day Germany arrives. Whatever ... I have to tell you from another beautiful weekend we had at the latest painting class in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

First, I got to say thank you to some people who helped organising the class. My biggest thanks goes to Peter aka Baphomet for organising a perfect weekend in a youth hostel. Perfect organisation in front of the weekend and during the weekend. Thank you my friend. Thanks to Dirk and Thorsten for helping Peter about local matters, thanks for your visits to both of you. It was my pleasure to meet you Dirk (thanks for the cigarettes in times of need). Many thanks to my bibab Raffa for coming with me and finally a massive thank you handshake with additional earthquake roaring to all the participants who took part in the class, first timers and second- , even third time runners.