Roman's Beginner Workshop for basic Miniature Painting Knowledge


this little report is about the first painting class held in Hamburg, about 2 weeks ago.

In fact it was the 3rd class at this place overall but it is always very special to be at the Wu Dao Kung Fu school.

First of all before I will start with the regular review I want to say a massive thank you to Shifu Heiko who gives us the opportunity to have a class in his Kung Fu school "Wu Dao" in Hamburg. If you want to learn to master your Kung Fu and you live in Hamburg, you really have to visit this place.

Thank you very much, Heiko for your host and shelter, those 10 days have been truely awesome and not only because of the painting classes. It is great to see our friendship grow. Second massive thank you goes to Steffen and his family for 3 truely relaxing days after the this first painting class where I regained some energies. It was my pleasure to be your guest.

Another big thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the class. Without the class would have been truely boring. And last but not least thanks to Raffa and Peter for their help with the getting the class organised and Raffa's help during the weekend. If you missed to check Forged Monkey at the class you can still do it here and get what you need. The last massive thank you goes out to Sockelmacher for providing the class with sockets and PK-Pro for providing additional basing material.