Roman Lappat's basic miniature painting workshop for beginner is just awesome!
My heart still beats from the jungle drums we all played in Hamburg, Germany.
First, I want to say my biggest gratitude into the direction of Heiko, who is the owner of a big Kung Fu School in Hamburg where the class took place, the Wu Dao, Hamburg. Heiko is a well known Sifu amongst the international Kung Fu scene and it is always a big honor to meet him and have a stay in this amazing place. He is also a Miniature Painter and Wargamer with much passion. We had some serious and interesting talks about life and somehow Kung Fu and Painting has so much in common, you wouldn't believe it. But more to this later on I just want to share a quote of Heiko with you that I feel very inspiring:
"A master of the martial art is like boiling water,
if he stops training he is just only water again!"
Let me show you the place of our stay, the Wu Dao Kung Fu School.
For me it was the second class in this place as I already did one in early 2010 and always this place has its own magic.
At this point I want to thank everyone involved in the class organisation via internet in front of the class, everyone who helped during the class and everyone who took the advantage of being a part of it for doing so. Thanks to my bibab (brother in brushes and brain) Raffa for travelling with me, helping me at the class and enjoying this beautiful weekend together. The photos you see here are mainly done by him and myself.
A lot of thanks to Steffen aka and Arne who picked us up from the airport and made our stay a great memory in all aspects. It was my pleasure to see so many new faces to the painting scene at the weekend. There was one participant who painted his first miniature ever during the class. He already bought one but did not yet paint it before the class, so seriously this was his FIRST one ever. I was also very happy to see some well known faces again.
Many thanks to MAGABOTATO, which is a german tabletop internet show that did some filming during the class to make a report about it in the future. There will be interviews and stuff and stuff and stuff to see. Stay tuned. It was my pleasure to meet you guys.
Muchas Gracias goes out to Forged Monkey, Sockelmacher and Pardulon for supporting the class with material and for being at place.
Here you can find the whole crew getting ready for the epic group photo, we have been 28 people and so you can say the group was pretty big - but before you will see the epic group photos I will have to tell you a bit of the class.