A great basic miniature painting workshop in Austria - perfectly aimed for Beginners by Roman Lappat

Graz in Austria.

Has much meaning to me as here there has been the first of my painting classes back in those days, where I wasn't that hardened workshop veteran. I went there for a second time in late 2010 and had as much fun as before. Now in 2012 it was the third Workshop tour to Graz and into the mountains of Austria and into the wild of those great mountain peoples :)

Meanwhile I am happy to have some real friends in Graz. I mean those where your heart aches when it is time to leave. This class itself was a very small class with only 12 participants, many of them I already know some years what makes me thankful. This class was also the class with the biggest number of female attentands, what is always a joy as the male gang will try to stay gentleman-like the whole weekend. Robert aka muhani aka chimp helped to organise the class again at the place to be: the library of the TU-University in Graz. Many thanks for all your sacrifices my friend - also I want to thank every helping hand during the weekend and afterwards as I took some days off to relax in the middle of the mountain people. I really appreciate all your friendship and help. You have my deepest gratitude :)

The class started on Friday night with preparing the figures and the bases and again a lot of theory about my thoughts on painting and colour theory. This time there have been at least half the class being participants who took the class for the second time, or as two other madmen did, for the the 4th time. So you might see only some demonettes as a follow up participant is allowed to paint whatever he likes, able to recieve detail feedback to his projects.

Some Impressions of Friday night ... thanks to Andi and Michael for their additional photo material for this review.