Great learning experience for basic miniature painting skills on Roman Lappat's Beginner Workshop


First of all I want to say big gorilla thanks to Frank and Peter who organised the class. Second gratitude goes to Peter again for his driving skills and my mum for borrowing her car as Raffa was away for a Painters meeting somewhere else in Germany. Another thanks to Frank again for his kind hospitality and the fresh breakfast every morning and my dreaming about a buddhist temple during my hours of sleep on a wonderful couch where a little aquarium was next. Another deep Kong Fu bow to all the Participants of the class for coming over and paying money for it. And again it is a thank you to Peter for bringing his camera, clicking some photos during the class and letting me click some too :)

Big thanks to Christian for helping this event to happen. We did stay in his Country side restaurant where participants had the option to sleep at place and we had wonderful food there I can say from my belly experience.

The Beginner Workshop class itself wasn't that big as others used to be - we were 13 people and normally the class makes sense for me at 15 people paying for it. With sense I mean getting payed for the work, preparation and all the costs I have. This time there were too less people. Maybe it was because of Christmas coming close, maybe it was because of the decision of the town itself and not many were interested in this region or maybe it was also because Ben and Matt had their Steampunk class on the same weekend. Who knows and in the end who cares. It is not about the money for me. It is about the people interested and if there is a region in Germany where the hobby is not well spread - I got to go there :)

I am very thankful to those who travelled far to come to the class, those who come for the first time and those who did it again - you all have my deepest gratitude. It was my pleasure to meet you and I hope to see some of you again in the future of joyful Miniature Painting. Now to the interesting part: The place we had our stay - the places always transform into a mess of lamps, colours and material when all those figure painters settle in :D

Many thanks to those who brought their figures to create a big miniature table. You will see some of them during the review and I was very happy that Serafin, who won the ULTIMATE PLASTIC KNIGHT CHALLENGE 2011 brought "Kinderaugen". It is just a pleasure for the eyes to see such a creative piece in real.

Enjoy more actual Miniature Painting Workshop information here.