This Miniature Painting Workshop was ultra deluxe. Learning to paint miniatures was never so easy.

Another Painting Class is over, nothing special happened...

... i am kidding you all :)

It has been drop-dead gorgeous andthis review will be very big again i guess - many tales to tell.

Many thanks to my brother in heart Raffa for securing the coast and driving as great as always.

This time we have been to Blumberg-Achdorf in Germany, somewhere in the no mans land next to the swiss border. Mountains, Rain, Sun, good food and big jungle spirit time have have won my heart while i am writing here and that is why i start to write this review for this DELUXE class after such a short time after the class.


The man of organisation "big panda V", who now is allowed to call me with my maybe new upcoming internet nick name "Tarzan82" did a gorgeous job. We all were stuffed in a house were we did do the class, sleep way to less and experienced the path to BAAM! 25 participants filled up the class and i got to say that i am very thankful to you for joining me on this trip into my little brain and thoughts of colours - the path to BAAM. You also did a great job - more to this later in the text. Also the food was deluxe. No junk food during the class as Mr. H. secured our bellys with tremendous food. All hail to the cook as he did keep us alive and believe me 27 human beings on the journey to BAAM! are hungry like the wolves.

Enough now! Back to Painting Class review... this was just the trip the place, but already here you can see that this was a drop-dead gorgous weekend, full of inspiration. We have been to the beautiful location in Blumberg-Achdorf our house seated next to Church. It really was in the middle of nowwhere in between small mountains full of forest, very charming. As I told you the organisation was fabolous and i am again very thankful to all the helping hands involved. Next there will be a bigger photo stream of impressions during the weekend - first we will start with a smile beyond reason, just a pure happy accident without anybody or anything hurt - i hope you will enjoy the journey to BAAM!