Miniature Painting Workshop - learn the basics on my beginner workshop

Sometimes i just can't stay off when my mind is full with many things. I promised to me to do relaxing stuff today and what is better than remembering a great weekend we had in Berlin at the Painting Class. Here is some fine music you can listen too if you are interested in fine music.

Thank you round up

First of all I want to put big depth in my voice and thank the persons behind making this event happen. Thanks to Peter, Gerd and Fabian for organising the event. Also I want to say thanks to all the participants who took part in the class, without you the room would have stayed empty. Also thanks to Philip, Stefan, Jens and Robert for sending me their photos for this review as I wasn't able to take my own - I was teaching hard. Many thanks to Battlefield-Berlin for being Battlefield-Berlin. Thanks to Steffen, the for sponsoring sockets to the class. In the end thanks to all the helping hands around the place. Special thanks to Raffa and Mati again.

It is always good to see the progress of your projects during the process. Here you can see a big bunch of bases done on Friday, ready to be primed on Saturday morning. You might realize not only Demonettes as models. This is caused by the rule i got for the class. If you are taking part in the class for the first time you have to paint a demonette as the model really binds the content of the class later on when painting and leaves endless colour variations as it is a demon. No brain activity on "the model has to look like this because of an Artwork or something else that makes you paint with rules" - just pure brain- and heartwork of the participants needed - and there you can get most of experience from.