Teaching miniature painting workshops all over Germany

Here goes the review of the last beginner's painting class held last weekend in Wuppertal/Germany. I know there are already a lot of these reviews and i hope it ain't boring for you the readers. They might sound similiar somehow, saying thanks here and there and talking about the class. This time i'll try to find some other words :)

First, thanks to Bernd for the local organisation. Second, big thanks to everyone who did participate in the class and your helping hands during the weekend. It was a really nice weekend full of colour and theory. The idea behind this beginner's class is to take those intrested in by hand and lead them into my way i work with miniatures. Sharing my thoughts about colours in full theoretical force by looking at artworks and learn to feel the colours, technical practice and mostly fun. I am drifting...

I will make a little picture show now and explain everything above the photos. Raffa and I went to Wuppertal by car already on the road we managed to catch some weathering inspiration, always keep your eyes open, everything is out there, you just got to paint it