My beginner miniature painting workshop - a great place to start learning to paint miniatures

First of all i want to thank the Tabletop Club Warhammer Exterminatus at Wertheim for their energy and power that they have brought into this happening. Thank you very much for your big hospitality in every aspect. Special thanks at this point to Holger for being the man in front of the carriage, the man behind the barbecue also has my deepest respect, thanks for the photos to Mr. B, the man who drove the car like a true god of the streets and a big thank you to all the helping hands around this event.

Listen to this song and - a moment for you to get to the song - now let it rise to 1:30 minutes - then read further:

Imagine yourself in a helicopter, flying over a high mountain chain overgrown by dark green jungle, fog moving slowly through its deeps, big overgrown old temple ruins pop out here and there, big birds are crossing the sky and you hear sounds out of the jungle you never dreamed of - there along this mountain chain you'll see a honestly slow-motion Kong Fu bow into your direction :)

It has been a beginner's class once more. Some people did ask me: "Am i too good for this class already? Am i too newby for this class?" There is no yes or no answer to this point. I am simply showing my way of painting miniatures, explained for beginners, show theory about light and colours, let you learn to feel them everywhere... blabla... the decision is yours. I have had a lot of experienced painters in the last couple of classes and everyone got struck by my madness from time to time... the youngbloods will have to take the path from 0 ~ 100 by having me holding their hands... can't describe it better i guess. It is a lot of fun and learning for everyone and someday when the time is right there will be Update-class that brings you deeper in my painting. You know one weekend is short, but great - and that's what it was like in Wertheim.