Learning Miniature Painting in a Kung Fu School


a cup of coffee and my morning zombie brain together will now be able to write this review of the Beginners Painting Workshop in Hamburg City.

Oh dear, it has been such a funny weekend with you all in Hamburg - still can't calm my smile on my lips when i think back to the last weekend. Great to meet a lot of new people who enjoy the hobby and great to see some well known comrads again.

First of all i want to thank my Massive Voodoo brother Raffa for his comradship and support at the workshop - thanks for your great help my little chapuchin. Never without you :)
Second, i have to thank Heiko from the Wu Dao Kung Fu School in Hamburg for this great place to be. A wonderful workshop location with spirit and tradition and a very nice big chief at the top. Thanks for everything, Heiko! It has been my pleasure :)

Third, my thanks goes out to all the people who did participate in the Painting class. 26 participants at the final date and i have to thank you all for your bravery to take part and let your self fall in our blabla which we did in front of you all the time - thanks for your patience and concentration. Also thanks for all the helping hands sorrounding the workshop time - as i told you without you this would not have been possible. My special thanks goes to the 2 guys from Berlin, mati being one of them to visit us in Hamburg :) - I hope everyone arrived home safely as during the workshop time the northern snowy blizzard did strike us and snowed us in...

The workshop plan has been a hard challenge to do when you got 3 hours less. We all did well and it has been a great time to show you what Raffa and me think while painting and to show you how we work. Thanks to everyone for bringing in his own experience and thoughts - there is always so much to learn for everyone, for sure especially me.

Again we did paint Daemonettes from Games Workshop at the Painting Class, again we had a lot of talk about colours and their harmony, finding out why colours match or don't match and why a miniature makes "Bäm!" while looking at it. To me it my cheering starts when i saw you doing your bases. This is the point where everyone starts to bring in his personal choice and ideas and that is always wonderful - Seeing it grow from the bases to a mostly completly painted miniature. I was really impressed what you all have achieved in the end and you really made me happy when i saw the things i was talking about done on your miniatures in your way with your visions.