Miniature Painting workshop is always about learning a lot

It is time for another Painting Class Review.

This time i have been in Aachen, Germany.

What can I say? It has been a beautiful weekend... it still rings in my head and heart. As i often don't know how to start such a review i will do it in the well known order. First i want to thank Roman and Uli for the great organisation of the room and everything else around the class, many, many thanks to you both. Big thanks to Roman (yes, that guy has the same name like mine, haha) for a wonderful stay at his house and also for the complete care about my soul all the time. We didn't had much struggle because of your big Zen-Soul :)

Many thanks to those who did particpate - this class was completly filled with 20 participants and i want to thank everyone for their bravery to visit my class without knowing what might happen there. Thanks a lot for your nice feedback all around some german forums, really happy that everyone was happy and did learn at least something :) - if you want, feel invited to drop a line of your feedback here in the jungle, if possible in english, just for the english readers in here, would be highly recommanded by me after such a great feedback. Muchas Gracias to Uli for his german review, for all the helping hands at the class, for the cake and the cookies which guided my hunger away from Burger King and to some normal eating rations and times on Sunday, Many thanks also to Uwe for the "Special Piece Hirst-Arts Update" to my class collection.

The room we used was next to a church and belonged to the church areal and community, very thankful that we have been allowed to paint ugly martial little monsters there, on Sunday even the pastor took a visit and was very joyful about the meditative athmosphere he saw while 20 people did happy painting. Here you can see the place we occupied in full force with 21 people: