We had an old classroom where the Workshop was placed in

Another Workshop Review - this time from the early summer of this year in Mönchengladbach/Germany...

We had another Beginner's Painting Class over a complete weekend with,again - great support by AoW, thank you very much, Felix (again) and i have promised to do another review on this one. We found together in Möchengladbach, next to Cologne in Germany. 24 people including me have made this weekend unforgetable. We really had a lot of fun, i had been braindead afterwards and ... ok i start from the beginning...

No one knew what we gonna paint up as the workshop model, they only knew that it will be from AoW, but no one did knew the model before the class. I have planned this because i don't want the peole think too much before the class about what they should do or don't... you know sometimes less thinking is good for working with colours - Thank you very much again for yur Big Support for the Workshop Felix, everyone went crazy as they heard about we are going to paint the Big fat ugly Goblin King ...

Also i want to say Big Thank you to Eve and Mark who mostly did the organisation before and during the Workshop.
We had an old classroom where the Workshop was placed in... I now start with some pictures and explanations about the workshop. As before i had the plan to bring the participants with a travel to art history to knowledge about colour theory and tried to combine this knowledge with the painting on miniatures as this is still a beginners workshop, everyone, equal of his experience was welcome. Thanks to everyone who allowed to use his pictures as i didn't find the time to take my own...

Here we go with impressions - this has been our classroom, that bold head in the front belongs to me: