We had a great sunny weather during these two workshop ...

A new year, me cleaning up my workbench, i mean my brain workbench... something i already want to be done some months ago is this review. In May 2009 i held 2 Beginner's Painting classes in my own Hometown Augsburg. Thanks again to my old school for helping me out with the room and equipement. Really apprechiated. Also big thanks to my girlfriend Anna and also my friend Peter for their awesome angellike help at both of the workshops.

For sure i want to say thanks to those people which did take part in these 2 Weekend classes - i met a lot of great people and as you know without your intrest this never would have happened.
Those two workshops had been early in the beginning and i did try to do my "teaching" on a model from the Games Workshops Lord of the Ring range: a wargrider.

We had a great sunny weather during these two workshops and i guess the ladys and gentleman who did take part did hate me for being indoor with such a weather and have a talking Roman in front of them, telling something about colour theory all the time, about light and shadows and more strange blabla without a break. So there has been a barbecue also on the first workshop, but we all learned from this, that barbecue and beer is no good idea - you lose too much time for the workshop itself, haha.

Here are some impressions of the 2 Workshops in Augsburg/my hometown - our austrian guests took the ride for another workshop time to arrive in the beautiful city - my Paradise City, you know that Guns'n'Roses song ;) - Workshop Numero Uno: