Learn to build better bases for your miniatures with Roman Lappat on his Basing Workshop

Thanks for Participating in this Miniature Basing Workshop to learn to build better miniature bases!
Learn miniature painting with Roman Lappat!

I want to say big thanks to all the students who attented to the class for putting their trust in me and what I am trying to teach. I was really happy to see many friends and kindpeople among this group, painters I already know since several years, some with more experience than others, but I was about to raise their basing skills to another bar, no matter their experience level. At least this was my plan. Thanks for a cool weekend with you all and sadly two participants had to skip this weekend because of illness and work.

Summary from my point of view

Well, I was truely happy with the results the students achieved during this weekend once more. I was truely happy to see the feedback from the first basing class take a grip on the second one. It was my pleasure to see you at this weekend, see old friends again, meet new faces - hope they paint on and on ;) - and want to thank you all for being a part of this weekend, thank you for your time, your patience and your will to learn from me. Thank you!

Keep on happy painting and basing!