How to create best display bases for miniature painting - go ask Roman Lappat on his Basing Workshop!

Roman's Basing Workshop took place in Augsburg; Germany.

For Roman this was the world premiere of a new class concept, even he held many of Beginners Workshops so far, this class and thoughts behind were not yet tested on students. Roman was really excited to see how the thoughts and class schedules might work out in the first round. Get better in basing your miniatures and find more Display Basing Workshops here!

Well, to start somewhere it is important to tell what I was mainly focusing on teaching during the class:

- Introduction of composition rules/asthetics
- How to use composition rules/asthetics on a base, in material parts, in detailing
- Building a base from concept to end
- Gaining a better look on the outside world and learning to see "random beauty"
- Basebuild-up with material focus on the topic "After the Apocalypse, nature conquers back!"