This is not the greatest review of a Basing Workshop ever,it is just a tribute.

"Basing class!
I went to Augsburg from Denmark to learn Romans approach to the fine art of basing, and I was not disappointed!
Being a group of only 4 students meant that Roman had decided to open the MV-HQ and have the whole workshop there.
So basically, a Canadian, an Australian, a Dane and a German from Austria walks into a studio and then – things go crazy. Monkey-style.

We did the theory, the 3D 1:1 basing exercise, the plots, the basing and the painting, but what was truly amazing was the atmosphere. It’s a hard experience to describe. At one moment, I felt like being in the studio with my favorite band, meeting all their celebrity friends, being treated as part of the gang. The next moment it felt like being at your best friend’s house, looking at all his cool toys, being allowed to play with all his stuff and in the meantime his mother is serving milk and cookies. And this went on for 3 days!
The laughs, the warmth, the feeling of being able to create something you I would have dared before is just some of the things I can take back home with me, alongside a postpocalyptic-nature-strikes-back-base that rocks! (and needs to be finished).

I think that Romans hospitality, both as a host and a teacher, and the joy of working and learning alongside fellow student is what makes these workshops worth the while, no matter how long you must travel.
I’m already trying to figure out which workshop to go to next. See you there."

- Tobias

Such lovely bases. As a teacher I can only say it was amazing to teach this class in the studio. Beside teaching tons of composition things, packed in a very charming way I was happy to help every student with his individual needs in terms of material. Matthias might need a coin from Korea - here it is! Kyle needs a toilet and a train wagon. Ok. Tobias needs a raven and Richard a Gorilla statue head on top of his cinema. Done. Loved it!

This workshop was the official birth place of the boy band, called "Tiny Details".