Advanced Miniature Painting Workshop with Roman Lappat

"Having already completed the beginners' workshop three times

I was very happy that I finally managed to get an appointment for the advanced course. As always, arriving felt like visiting a friend. The learning environment that Roman creates is first class.

In addition, didactically it is simply top notch. Theory, demonstrations and exercises alternate perfectly. I found it very exciting that Roman had already shown me some of the techniques at my last beginners course. As a result, I had been using it unconsciously for some time. For me, this is once again a clear confirmation that you can really repeat the beginners course at any time in order to work on your projects with the support of Roman.

Now the whole theory came into play. And of course painting atmosphere in a much more conscious way. Beforehand, I wasn't sure whether I would like the exercise with the wolf. I was extremely positively surprised at how much fun I had with the exercise. Mixing colors from the primary colors is surprisingly easy and brings a very relaxed, creative approach to miniature painting. I'll definitely implement it at home sooner than later. I also learned that I can match any color very quickly and very accurately. This means I can now relax even more when painting and color recipes are becoming less and less important. Another learning success was that you can paint very strange colors on the mini. These then make a lot of sense in later steps. Regardless of whether you are still new to the beginners course or have been painting for a while, I always consider the advanced course to be recommended."

- Florian

"Last year's beginners course was a revelation for me.
Since then I have been much happier with my miniatures. The instructions are invaluable to me. The people I met back then are friends today and we meet several times a year to play games and paint. Without your course I would never have met her. It quickly became clear that we would definitely attend the Advanced.

In the beginners course you showed me a door into a bigger world. Since then, I have looked at photos, artwork and illustrations with different eyes. I read Colors by Betty Edwards and James Gurney's Color and Light.
There was great joy when you announced the Advanced course in the first half of the year. We left on Friday afternoon, brought our stuff to the hotel and went to the cultural park. The buildings… Wow! Scary and inspiring at the same time. The studio... all that comes to mind is 'awesome'. A nerd cave, a workshop, a creative vortex.
Friday Night Color Theory: After reading 'Colors' this was more of a repeat for me. But the practical exercises refreshed the memory. I particularly liked the exercise with mixing the colors. Base building is my favorite activity anyway. See you again on your basing course!

Saturday morning 'The Wolf': Wasn't my favorite part of the event, but it's part of discovering that you have to see colors as they actually are and not what our brain thinks we see.
Saturday afternoon: Painting! Yay! No more words needed. Atmosphere training was obvious and will be saved for all time.
Sunday: what now? Really cool painting! Your explanations were very understandable, your patience was endless and the encouraging words gave you strength.
The documents: Content is good.
The food: super good! The organization also worked well.
The overall atmosphere was great and I thought the relaxed painting was great. During the beginners course it was quite stressful at times and the exchange with experienced painters felt good. You've probably noticed that I'm incredibly insecure, that I often reassure myself and look for recognition. You always responded to this and your suggestions brought the figure forward.
I said goodbye to you with the words “Thank you for everything” and I actually mean everything. Thank you for

To know
- the postcard that is already framed in my painting corner
- the aquarium filter
- good conversations
- Meeting other people
- Friendship with Stefan and Christoph (wasn't there)
- enjoy your meal
- new perception
- adventures

Your courses, i.e. you, are the linchpin of all of these things."
- Michael

Learn miniature painting via Roman Lappat here!