Bring your miniature painting skills to the next level with Roman's Advanced Workshop

"Having attended numerous workshops over the past few years, I can confidently say that Roman's advanced class is one of the best out there. This workshop is fantastic for everyone who wants to get a better understanding of how colors work and how to create a concept for achieving a specific atmosphere on your miniature. Highly recommend!!"

- Thomas

"I feel like a really lucky guy, to accidently attended a Roman’s beginners workshop back in 2011. To now get another insight in Roman’s miniatures painting technique was really amazing. I highly recommend this workshop for those who want to know how colors work and gear up their miniature painting.“
- Phil aka Tuskar

"So, if you are one of these hobby painters who wants to push his own limits, take the chance and join Roman´s Advanced Class. It´s a real challenge, even for an experienced painter, and you should be ready to work hard. But, I promise, you will get more information than you can stomach. Take you time, practise and join the class one more time... it´s worth the investment as the result will speak for itself."
- Peter

"To take the Advanced Class a second time was one of the best choices I have made in my painting career."
- Peter

"Don’t attend this class if you can’t handle that your brain might explode. A class that is not really about technique or improving skill but about improving your whole approach to miniature painting. You will most likely change your view on everything and maybe even change your whole painting style after it. So.. much.. knowledge… on just one weekend. 100% recommended after you attended a Beginner Class (you just need to know the basics) and if you want to improve your painting."
- Sebastian