Advaned Miniature Painting Techniques learn it the best with Roman Lappat's Miniature Painting Workshops

"The MV "Advanced Painting Class by Jar did its name justice: I feel that my skills to use colors as a means to create atmosphere have skyrocketed. Jar's carefully crafted exercises made me observe colors in nature and instrumentalize them in order to tell a story. Before the class I only applied color to surfaces, but now I am starting to learn how to bring the figures alive. The intimate class size allows for plenty of questions, and painting with fellow modelers manifolds the learning effects."
- Diana

"The Advanced Painting Class was my first Workshop with Roman and I can totally say it was worth it! I Think I was able to make a big step foward in my painting skills and especially in my understanding of colors. But most importantly Roman taught me how much fun it can be to paint miniatures.".
- Florian

"I paint for some years now and have joined serveral classes in order to boost my knowledge about colors and the general way of painting. All of these classes left their mark and helped me to develop my humble skills. But today I have the feeling that Roman´s Advanced Class helped me to trespass limits and that it opened a whole new world to me. If you want to learn about atmosphere and want to understand how to implement it into your way of painting miniatures, this class is a "must-do". Thanks a lot to Roman for sharing his lessons learnt and the knowledge he got out of them."
- Peter

"I had the gread pleasure of visiting Roman's first try for his advanced painting class in Augsburg at the end of April 2016. Since I have visited several of his other classes I knew that I could expect some great new insights despite the fact that I have not painted regularly at home in the last weeks or months."
- Oliver

"I really enjoyed the workshop, since then I'm seeing way more colours and colour shades and I'm constantly thinking which base colours I would mix in what ratio to get that specific colour. Furthermore, when looking at people's faces I can see the trisection (yellow in the upper part, red in the middle and green or blue in the lower part) that Roman talked about in every face."
- Andreas

"This was surely the most interesting workshop I have attended thus far. Its contents were thoughtfully chosen, the course was well structured, and I really liked having the opportunity to spend much time actually painting under Roman's guidance (instead of having to listen to theoretical monologues). As is typical for Roman's workshops, you could feel his enthusiasm and and love for painting miniatures all the way. At the same time, Roman ran the course extremely professionally and along a systematic concept that aimed to take all of us towards the course clearly outlined goals. In this, Roman always catered to the participants' preferences and abilities, taking those by the hand who needed a little more guidance, while allowing for a little more free time and space for those who prefered a bit more autonomy..

I particularly liked the 30 page handout that includes not only a number of working sheets for the individual painting practices (wolves, Hayden-color schemes, tattoos, etc.), but also a number of comprehensive summaries and excurses on Roman's thoughts concerning the main topics - just perfect for re-visiting and refreshing the course contents afterwards!"

- David